Acrónimos y abreviaciones
| T | Tesla | |
| T1 | spin-lattice or longitudinal relaxation | |
| T1 FAST | Fourier-acquired steady state (T1-weighted) | |
| T1 FFE | contrast-enhanced fast field echo (T1-weighted) | |
| T1-ρ | T1-rho relaxation; spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame | |
| T1w | T1-weighted | |
| T2 | spin-spin or transverse relaxation | |
| T2* | T2 star | |
| T2 FFE | fast imaging with steady precession (heavily T2-weighted) | |
| T2w | T2-weighted | |
| TE | echo time | |
| TF | turbo factor | |
| TFE | turbo field echo | |
| 3D MP-RAGE | 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo | |
| TI | inversion time | |
| TIR | turbo inversion recovery | |
| TIRM | turbo inversion recovery magnitude | |
| TOF | time of flight | |
| TONE | tilted optimized non-saturation excitation | |
| TR | repetition time | |
| TS | time series | |
| TSE | turbo spin echo | |
| TSE factor | → ETL | |
| TRUE FISP | fast imaging with steady precession (heavily T2-weighted) | |
| Turbo-FE | turbo field echo | |
| Turbo-FLASH | turbo fast low angle shot | |
| Turbo SE | turbo spin echo | |
| Turbo-SHORT | turbo short repetition technique | |
| UBO | unidentified bright object | |
| USPIO | ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (nanoparticles) | |
| VENC | velocity encoding | |
| VOI | volume of interest | |
| VOSY | volume spectroscopy | |
| voxel | volume element | |
| 2D | two-dimensional | |
| 3D | three-dimensional | |
| 3D MP-RAGE | 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo | |
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